Its Friday !


Here’s a breakdown of what we did today!
Morning Circle time: We started with a morning meditation / breathing and stretches and later commenced with our good morning , weather and days of the week song. We had our special helper count the days until 30 on the calendar and in a set of 10 as well. We sang the months of the year song , talked about making good choices and using words to communicate how we feel

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog

Recess and Lunch

Language –Today we continued with our second session of show and tell and learned to construct our names using upper case and lower case letters

Recess and Lunch/snack

Gym class – please visit Ms. V’s blog

Centers – students had the choice of playing with dry-erase boards , lego and connectors.

Silent reading - we started a minute session of silent reading to build our reading stamina in the classroom. reading stamina is our ability to read for a long period of time without distractions 

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