Happy Thursday and Happy Thanksgiving

Here’s a breakdown of what we did in school today

We started our day with a house game that involved us all playing together with our teachers and friends . It was a holla-hoop kind of competition but what mattered was not the win but the spirit of playing collaboratively as a team

Morning circle time –Today we focused on emotional regulation and the concept of feelings.We came up with a list of choices that make us happy as well as examples of choices that make us sad and what we can do to make each other feel better. We also spoke about Thanksgiving weekend and shared our plans with one another.

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch

Language – Present, name and sound and formation of the letter E. We used playdough to mold and create the letter E and connected the lower case letters from A-E to their Uppercase letters

Math- We connected our math UOI to our trip to the farm and spoke about the steps to pick apples / the number of apples we picks , the steps we took to put them in a box then divide them into smaller bags. We compared numbers of objects in two groups and two numbers between   1 and 10.  When given a number we counted that many objects.

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