We're already in the third week of school !

Happy Wednesday !

Music class – please visit Ms. McMillan’s blog https://mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com/

Morning circle time – we had our special helper of the day doing our calendar, we sang our morning songs, then added one more popcorn to our 100th Day of school counting.

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class
 – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch

Language/UOI – we sang our jolly phonics song for letter B and then we all turned ourselves into detectives and found all Bs on our paper, as we found the Bs we dabbed them! This activity deals with letter identification and following instructions. 

Also, During our language UOI session , we started talking about our daily hygiene practice , which includes keeping our teeth clean and healthy. To do that , we reviewed the steps of brushing our teeth through a visual and each of the children spoke about their own practices at home. At the end of the session , we did an art activity that involved cutting and pasting the pictorial cards " sequencing how to brush your teeth" and watched an informative video about how bacteria can hurt our gum and ruin our teeth

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