Its Friday and as sunny as it can be !

Happy Friday to all my lovely parents and friends.

Here is a breakdown of what my beautiful JK class participated in today:

Lunch/Snack : Jk's were encouraged to eat their healthy snacks.

Morning Circle Time : We had our helper of the day sing the morning song with us , the calendar and days of the week song. We also spoke about making good choices and better decisions. We wrote a list on the boards of all the kinds of things we can do to make each other happy such as helping them , being kind , using kind and gentle words and sharing with them

Language UOI; Today we learned how to build our own names using pre-cut letters

Math - Today we highlighted the target numbers traced and  then printed the numbers 0-2. We use pencils and markers and we also sorted our connector cubes by number as well.

French/Music/Ph.ed : Please follow our specialist teachers blogs

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