Happy Thursday !

Morning Assembly-   Children gathered together to learn about the story / history of Terry Fox which began with a speech and then a visual representation of his life
Music class – please visit Ms. McMillan’s blog https://mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com/
Morning circle time – we had our special helper of the day doing our calendar, singing our good morning train song, weather song, and days of the week
Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.
French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch
Language – we sang our phonics song for letter A, and then we decorated the letter A using markers and crayons

We continued today with our “All About Me” bag presentations and everyone did a very good job!

Terry Fox Awareness :

Focus on pincer grasp  and eye-hand coordinatin 

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