Happy Monday !

Happy Monday!

Today was orange shirt day at St.Jude’s. We all gather together during assembly and watched Gr.4 present to us some facts about indigenous children. It was informative and thank you all wearing orange today.

Here’s a breakdown of what we did today!

Morning Circle time: We started with a morning meditation / breathing and stretches and later commenced with our good morning , weather and days of the week song. We had our special helper count the days until 30 on the calendar

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch

Language – this week we are learning about the letter D. Today we had a variety of art materials to decorate our letter posters for D.

Recess and Lunch/snack

Gym class – please visit Ms. V’s blog https://msvphysed.blogspot.com/

Centers – students had the choice of playing with magnetic blogs, connectors and figurines.

Happy Friday !

Happy Friday!

Today was full of activities and dancing grooves. We had lots of yummy treats and lots of snack so there is no better way for the Jk’s to start their weekend!

Here’s a breakdown of what we did today!

Morning Circle time: We started with a morning meditation / breathing and stretches and later commenced with our good morning , weather and days of the week song. We had our special helper count the days until 27

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch

Language – this week we are learning about the letter C. Today we had a variety of art materials to decorate our letter posters for B and C.

Recess and Lunch/snack

Gym class – please visit Ms. V’s blog https://msvphysed.blogspot.com/

Centers – students had the choice of playing with blocks, figurines and cars.

Happy Wacky Thursday !

Wacky Tacky Thursday was as fun and jubilant as the day sounds. With lots of children bringing in their creativity to the clothes they wear , we all got to share some giggles and dance moves in our outfits.

Here’s a breakdown of what we have done today :

Morning Circle time :
A.   Sing the morning train
B.   Have our helper go through the calendar
C.   Go through our board messages and plan for today’s math and language
D.    Heavy Breathing and stretching
E.   Talk about making good choices and using our words

During snack and lunch time, children were encouraged to talk and about healthy eating and consider bringing healthy snack alternatives to school

Language UOI : This week we are learning about the letter C. All of us made a long list together of all the words we know that begin with letter C.

Happy Wednesday


Today we started off with the assembly at the gym where we sang Oh Canada and took part in a House points activity. We were also reminded that next week is going to be our bake sale on Monday and Tuesday and the Nia Archi event will be on Friday.

Here is the breakdown of today's activities and achievements:

Ice cream sandwich day with JK- Gr.2

Put make-up on Mr.Oliver's face for accumulating a lot of points for fall fundraiser.

Morning circle time : Today’s helpers sang the days of the week , month of the year and weather song today. The focus of our discussion today was sharing and how to be kind to one another during play. We talked about using our gentle words to speak and keeping our hands to our self. We talked about the meaning of friendships and how to use our helping hands when others are in need of help.

Math UOI : We learned and practiced counting to 60 by ones and tens
We also practiced writing and tracing numbers 0-5 using a pencil

Language UOI: We started with our second round of pre-assessments 

Please follow their specialist teacher classrooms blogs to stay updated with their activities there as well:

Happy Tuesday !

Today we started off with the assembly at the gym where we sang Oh Canada in French and took part in a House points activity. We were also reminded that next week is going to be our bake sale on Monday and Tuesday

Here is the breakdown of today's activities and achievements:

Morning circle time : Today’s helpers sang the days of the week , month of the year and weather song today. The focus of our discussion today was sharing and how to be kind to one another during play. We talked about using our gentle words to speak and keeping our hands to our self. We talked about the meaning of friendships and how to use our helping hands when others are in need of help.

Math UOI : We learned and practiced counting to 60 by ones and tens
We also practiced writing and tracing numbers 0-4 using a pencil

Language UOI: Today during our language session, we practiced writing and tracing the Letter C in upper case and lower case

Please follow their specialist teacher classrooms blogs to stay updated with their activities there as well:

Happy Monday JK's

Today we started off with a lot of fun and laughter since we got to come to school in our pyjamas rather than our uniforms.

Heres the breakdown of todays activities and achievements :

Morning circle time : Today’s helpers sang the days of the week , month of the year and weather song today

Math UOI : We learned and practiced counting to 60 by ones and tens
We also practiced writing and tracing numbers 0-4 using a pencil

Language UOI: Today during our language session , we practiced writing our own name. We also worked on identifying words that start with the same first letter of our name

Please follow their specialist teacher classrooms blogs to stay updated with their activities there as well

Its Friday and as sunny as it can be !

Happy Friday to all my lovely parents and friends.

Here is a breakdown of what my beautiful JK class participated in today:

Lunch/Snack : Jk's were encouraged to eat their healthy snacks.

Morning Circle Time : We had our helper of the day sing the morning song with us , the calendar and days of the week song. We also spoke about making good choices and better decisions. We wrote a list on the boards of all the kinds of things we can do to make each other happy such as helping them , being kind , using kind and gentle words and sharing with them

Language UOI; Today we learned how to build our own names using pre-cut letters

Math - Today we highlighted the target numbers traced and  then printed the numbers 0-2. We use pencils and markers and we also sorted our connector cubes by number as well.

French/Music/Ph.ed : Please follow our specialist teachers blogs

Happy Thursday !

Today is in fact one of our busiest days this week with a lot going on in the classroom and after school.  A dentist visited us today to help us learn how to keep our our teeth healthy and oral health as well. We participated and  asked questions and learned from the doctor that healthy food choices do impact the growth and health of our teeth. This relates to our unit of inquiry about healthy bodies.

Here is the breakdown of today's lesson plan:

Learning Goals: present name, sound and formation of letter B (Jolly Phonics).
Success Criteria:
  • I can recognize, pronounce and name words that start with the letter B
  • I can trace and sound the letter and represent the letter using open ended materials such a playdough, pencils, crayons and cardboard paper 

Learning Goals: students will count objects in a set 1-10.
Success Criteria:
“I can recognize numerals 1-10.”
 “I can count objects in a set.”   

 “I can match objects by 1:1 correspondence.”         

Please visit Mme.Jessica's blog to follow up on today's french class


We're already in the third week of school !

Happy Wednesday !

Music class – please visit Ms. McMillan’s blog https://mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com/

Morning circle time – we had our special helper of the day doing our calendar, we sang our morning songs, then added one more popcorn to our 100th Day of school counting.

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class
 – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch

Language/UOI – we sang our jolly phonics song for letter B and then we all turned ourselves into detectives and found all Bs on our paper, as we found the Bs we dabbed them! This activity deals with letter identification and following instructions. 

Also, During our language UOI session , we started talking about our daily hygiene practice , which includes keeping our teeth clean and healthy. To do that , we reviewed the steps of brushing our teeth through a visual and each of the children spoke about their own practices at home. At the end of the session , we did an art activity that involved cutting and pasting the pictorial cards " sequencing how to brush your teeth" and watched an informative video about how bacteria can hurt our gum and ruin our teeth

We are Learning and Growing one day at a time !

Look at our happy and excited faces; Nothing like our Jk's lining up and transitioning to class. We have progressed so much in the past three weeks !

UOI Language

Today we had fun coloring each uppercase letter in the alphabet with a different color of our choice. we outlined each letter with multiple different colors to create a rainbow affect.

Morning Circle Time :
We had our great helpers lead and sing the morning song together with their friends. We spoke about  making good choices and using our words to communicate how we feel. During snack time , we emphasized the importance to eating our food for the sake of our body growing and becoming stronger.

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch

Language/Math : We learned how to associate numbers with the visuals in the right 1-1 correspondence . we used visual charts and dot-cards as well 

Happy Monday !

Healthy Bodies -  During snack and lunch time we spoke about the importance of eating fruits and vegetables. the kids were asked to identify atleast one fruit/ vegetable that they have eaten during

During Circle time - one of helpers joined and lead the circle time music and activity where we sung the days of the week , the weather songs, alphabets and spoke about this weeks messages

UOI - Math

The focus of our lesson today was to establish a strong eye-hand coordination during our pincer-grasp. The children learned the formation of the numbers 0-3 and practiced writing the numbers first on the board and seconds using a pencil.

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch 

Its the weekend !

Happy Friday Dear Parents and Guardians
Here's a breakdown of today's activities/ lessons
Morning circle time : The children greeted each other and sang the good morning train song. After that the children did some stretches to prepare for the Terry Fox run outside on the turf. 

The terry fox run was the major activity of the day. We all learned something new about Terry Fox and we encouraged each other to run for 20 min, held each others hands when we got tired and and that made us appreciate the story behind Terry Fox.

Language UOI- we sang our phonics song for letter A, and then JKs completed an All About Me activity where they were asked (with assistance) to show the color of their hair, eyes and what is their favourite color. Next, they were asked to draw their favourite food.

Math UOI- We traced our numbers using our pencils to strengthen our pincer grasp and eye-hand coordination.

Happy Thursday !

Morning Assembly-   Children gathered together to learn about the story / history of Terry Fox which began with a speech and then a visual representation of his life
Music class – please visit Ms. McMillan’s blog https://mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com/
Morning circle time – we had our special helper of the day doing our calendar, singing our good morning train song, weather song, and days of the week
Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.
French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch
Language – we sang our phonics song for letter A, and then we decorated the letter A using markers and crayons

We continued today with our “All About Me” bag presentations and everyone did a very good job!

Terry Fox Awareness :

Focus on pincer grasp  and eye-hand coordinatin 

Wednesdays with JK

UOI MATH : We practiced tracing and writing the numbers 0-4 today. this is very helpful for a number of reasons :
  • Pre-Writing Skills Tasks. ...
  • When to Start Pre Writing Skills. ...
  • Holding A Pencil Correctly. ...
  • Development of Fine Motor Skills. ...
  • Pattern Writing. ...
  • Pre-writing Skills Development

Phonics - recognition and association of letter with words and pictures using alphabetical cards

Music class – please visit Ms. McMillan’s blog https://mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com/
Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.
French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Centers – students had the choice of playing with puzzles, lacing and foam blocks. Just a reminder that when we have centers at the end of the day, students are being exposed to emotional, social and cognitive growth, as they also learn skills of self-regulation.Have a great evening everyone!

Morning circle time - The focus of our discussion was about respecting each others bodies and keeping our hands to our-self. We also talked about using our words to communicate how we feel and what it means when someone is sad/ happy

Happy Tuesday with JK !

Happy Tuesday Everyone !

Music class – please visit Ms. McMillan’s blog https://mrsmcmillanmusic.blogspot.com/

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack and talk about what theyre eating 

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog http://mllehousja.blogspot.com/

Recess and Lunch
Small group activity 
Morning circle time 
Respect each other's voices/ideas, practice keeping little bodies in their own space and work on following instructions. Question of the day: What makes you happy ? 


Today we learned how to dry erase and write the first letter of our name on the board. We also used pencil and marker to trace the letters in our name and letter sounds through jolly phonics cards /audio 

Happy Fourth Day Of School

Happy Fourth Day of School 

During Morning circle time , we sang our morning songs , read out he calendar out loud and spoke about making good choices. We had our special help help us set up the activities and sing the weather song with us 

During snack time we spoke about eating health food and why it is important for our body to grow and be strong

Today we used playdough to form letter shapes and animal shapes using our fine motor skills and cutters 

Happy Friday !

After a beautiful sunny day filled with laughs and smiles , the children are excited to spend their weekend with parents. Today was all about engagement , sense of belonging and agency. the focus of our circle time and messages was about kindness and friendship. JK children were demonstrate their understanding by sharing their stories , representational play and cooperating in small groups.
 We also spoke about the use of words rather than using our hands when we are not feeling happy when what another child did or said to us. emotional regulation and verbalization will be a predominant part of our daily program and with time, we hope to see process in school and at home. 

Lastly , Happy Friday Parents ! enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday

The best time for children to start learning to read and write is when they are very young. This is when they begin to develop positive attitudes and basic skills. Reading to children and talking to them about their ideas (even if those ideas don’t make sense to you right away) helps children reach a deeper level of understanding. If you and your child are more comfortable in a language other than English, please use it! Reading and talking to your child in the language of your home is very beneficial.

When children are first learning to read and write, it is important to talk about the ideas they are reading about. This will help build their comprehension skills. In this stage, your child: • Begins to match written words to spoken words and to see relationships between sounds and letters • Begins to experiment with reading and says words out loud when reading • Finds pictures on the page or screen helpful in understanding the meaning of words • Begins to experiment with writing – for example, writes symbols that resemble letters, writes groups of random letters and then eventually writes real words • Asks questions about what he or she would like to learn (encourage this interest!)

First Day of School with JK !

After a long summer vacation with families and friends, our junior kindergarten class was more than excited to be back. we started off the day with our morning circle time routine to get acquainted with one another and chanted songs about days of the week , month of the year and the weather !