Morning circle time – we had our special helper of the day adding the date to our calendar, we sang our morning songs, then added one more popcorn to our 100th Day of school counting.

Snack – JKs were encouraged to eat a healthy snack.

French class – please visit Mme. Jessica’s blog

Recess and Lunch

Language – we reviewed our phonics song for all letters learned so far. Here is the link for our weekly Jolly Phonics songs:

This is the song for letter S:

Then we had our Show and Tell presentations for letter S. 
These are the skills JKs develop when they do show and tell:
- stays on topic 
- uses loud and clear voice
- makes eye contact with the audience
- describes the object using full sentence and descriptive words 

This is how you can help your child:

  • Help your child select an item and have them explain to you how it fits with the letter(s) of week
  • Help your child practice describing the object and explaining why they want to share it with the class.
  • Reinforce effective speaking habits, such as looking at the audience and speaking clearly.
  • Ask questions about the item so that your child can be ready to answer when friends and teachers have

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